Me as a propsmen or props maker. We have only have a few week to make the props (a corn and a banana leaf). The propsmen were divided into groups, each group has three members and must make or create one banana leaf and one corn
And then it was time for the actual presentation or dance. Me and the other propsman were scared and all. But we found the courage to do our task properly and the dance was a success. The dance maybe a success but the props aren't because some groups haven't done their task yet. Some groups were taking their time in making their props. In the end only made 7 banana leaves and 4 corns (we need to make 9 banana leaves and 9 corns).
So in the end atleast we had fun making the props. We enjoyed the dance. And of course everybody did their best (the dancers, the propsmen and etc). We may have failed to reach our goal (to make 9 banana leaves and corns) but we are going to try our best next time. So better luck next time to us.
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